Much of the content inside The CM Law Grid is proprietary and shared only with members of the firm. However, to provide candidates a glimpse into the type of information that is available to them upon joining the firm, we are sharing these recent screenshots from inside the Grid. As a cloud-based firm that leverages technology to reduce overhead and deliver better efficiency to our clients and partners, the Grid contains numerous menu topics and links where partners can find extensive resources and information we’ve assembled to support their practices at CM Law.
A key feature of the Grid is to help us organize the various logistical and housekeeping tasks that necessarily accompany the practice of law (e.g., running conflict checks, opening new client files, adding new matters to a client file). Inside the Grid, we’ve developed a number of easy-to-use forms to make these tasks as efficient as possible for our partners. Here is a sample of the types of forms we use on a routine basis and you can see some of them in action by selecting from the “Sample Forms” dropdown on the Recruiting Portal navigation bar at the top of the page.
In addition to our substantive online materials about practicing law at CM Law on a daily basis, we’ve also prepared a special area of the Grid dedicated to organizing the onboarding process for new partners.
We know that transitioning to a new firm can be overwhelming so we’ve prepared a New Partner Roadmap/Checklist. This is a useful guide that’s provided to all new partners on their first day at CM Law and it’s been carefully designed to help partners organize the various stages of their onboarding process. Importantly, the roadmap is broken down into three sections – Your First Day, Within the First Week, and Within the First Month. This allows partners to prioritize their onboarding tasks so they can hit the ground running and provide a seamless transition for their clients.
© 2013 – 2024 CM Law PLLC
Designated lawyer responsible for this website: Grant A. Walsh
*Culhane Haughian & Walsh PLLC d/b/a CM Law is ranked by U.S. News/Best Law Firms in Technology Law, Bankruptcy/Reorganization Law, and Information Technology Law. This website and the communications herein may be considered attorney advertising. Previous results are not a guarantee of future outcome. This website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. The information herein is not intended to create an attorney-client or similar relationship. Until you establish such a relationship and receive an engagement letter, you have not hired a CM Law attorney nor become a client of the firm. Whether you are a new or existing client of the firm, CM Law must determine that there is no conflict of interest and that it is willing and otherwise able to accept the new engagement before representing you on a new matter. Only if and after CM Law has informed you it is willing and able to accept your new matter should you send the firm any information or documents that you consider private or confidential. Such information will not be treated as private, confidential or otherwise protected from disclosure until CM Law has communicated in writing that it is willing and able to accept your new matter and provide you with legal counsel. Whether you need legal services and which lawyer or law firm you select are important decisions that should not be based on this website alone.