We are excited to provide the below information about the 2019 CM Partners Retreat! Many hours of meetings, research and site visits have gone into planning this great event by the partners you selected to represent your offices on the Retreat Committee. Additionally, the members of our Programming Committee are investing lots of time and energy to develop substantive topics that will provide valuable benefits to each of us as we continue to improve and grow our practices – and CM! Plus, of course, we look forward to just hanging out, having fun and catching up with everyone in Midtown Atlanta in October!
Where: We’re staying and meeting in midtown Atlanta at the Georgia Tech Hotel & Conference Center, 800 Spring St. NW, Atlanta, GA 30308. In the heart of Atlanta’s vibrant Technology Square retail neighborhood and part of the Georgia Tech campus, this venue offers the perfect blend of a conference center with the style and convenience of an urban city center hotel. Plus it’s just moments from premier attractions, shopping, dining and nightlife.
When: Sunday, October 27 to Wednesday, October 30, 2019. Practice group meetings will begin at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, followed by a welcome reception and dinner that evening. We will adjourn the official programming at Noon on Wednesday. Everyone is expected to stay at the retreat hotel (even our Atlanta-based partners) and participate for the entire duration of the retreat program, so please book your travel arrangements accordingly. See FAQs below for airport information/options.
Optional Service Day: We have lots of partners (and their guests) participating on the CM Team in the Atlanta Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk that will be held prior to the retreat on Saturday morning October 26th (walk starting at 9AM). If interested in joining the walk (or to get more information concerning the walk or to make a donation), please go HERE to create an account and register as a member of the Culhane Meadows team or you can choose to donate under the CM team name even if you are unable to join the actual walk. Friends and family are also welcome to join the CM Team for the walk! Questions about the walk can be directed to Kevin Sheldon who is serving as our organizer.
Who: From Sun through Wed, the activities will be partner-only events and guests are not permitted. However, some partners are planning to spend the weekend beforehand or a few days afterward with spouse/guest/family (see below for information about our group’s discounted extended stay rates for pre- or post-retreat).
What: 2019 Retreat Agenda
Complete your Retreat Registration HERE by Friday, Sept. 6
To update your travel information after submitting your initial registration form, send an email to RetreatRegistration@cm.law
Frequently Asked Questions & Answers:
How much will it cost me to attend the retreat?
The Retreat Committee carefully considered the costs and amenities and explored various cities and venues before selecting the retreat location. Although the firm makes significant financial subsidization toward the annual retreat costs for our partners (approximately $45,000), our low-overhead business model means there will still be three main out-of-pocket components for each partner:
1. Airfare/Transportation. Partners are responsible for their own airfare or transportation to and from the retreat venue.
2. The Partner Contribution is $550 (double occupancy, per person) or $695 (single occupancy). Because the firm provides significant subsidization, this is each partner’s all-in cost (including taxes/fees) for all three nights of accommodations and all group meals/snacks during the retreat program. The firm will draft half of your Partner Contribution from the draw on September 1 and the other half on September 15 (and subsequent draws, if necessary). (Note: Thanks to the Retreat Committee’s cost-conscious efforts and the firm’s increased subsidization, the Partner Contribution amounts have remained the same for the third year in a row!)
3. Incidentals and Optional Activity Fees will be paid directly by you (e.g., room service/bar charges, drinks during offsite dinner, museum/tour/golfing fees). At check-in, you will be required to present your personal credit card for any incidentals charged to your room.
Note: The firm’s retreat budget and venue contract is based on a minimum headcount and rooming commitment. Partners who miss any nights during the retreat without prior approval by the Executive Committee are still responsible for paying the full Partner Contribution.
What airports should I use to get to the retreat? What about ground transportation to the hotel?
Atlanta Hartsfield International Airport (ATL) has non-stop routes to every major city and is serviced by all major airlines with ample options.
Georgia Tech is located in Midtown Atlanta, just off of the I-75/I-85 connector highway, about 12 miles north of the airport. While some partners may wish to rent a car upon arrival at the airport for their own personal flexibility (and our hotel package includes parking) or take a taxi, the most cost-efficient option is the MARTA (Atlanta’s mass transit system).
MARTA: Follow the signs from baggage claim at the airport to get to the MARTA station. At the station, you will have to purchase a Breeze Card. This is a re-loadable card that you can continue to use to ride the MARTA train and bus system during your time in Atlanta. A one-way fare will cost you $2.50. As the airport is the final southbound stop, you can only take MARTA towards the north. The 2 closest stops are called North Avenue and Midtown and both are within walking distance of the hotel. The Georgia Tech Trolley provides free pickups at the Midtown station, and follows this route.
How do I make my hotel room reservation for the retreat dates? How do I pay my Partner Contribution?
You do not need to contact the hotel directly because the firm will submit a rooming list for our entire group based on your preference of single or double occupancy as provided on your Retreat Questionnaire & Registration form. If you double up with a roommate, the per person Partner Contribution will be $550. Alternatively, the cost for a single room will be $695 per person.
Your applicable Partner Contribution will be collected by the firm as a draw deduction split evenly between the draws on September 1 and 15 (and may also carry-over to subsequent draws if your September 15 draw is insufficient to cover your Partner Contribution). You do NOT need to contact the hotel directly about the reservation or payment for your room, but you will put down a personal credit card at check-in to cover your own incidentals. If you need to book extra rooms before, during, or after the retreat for any reason, please send your special request to RetreatRegistration@cm.law and our Exec Assistant Stephanie Powers will coordinate with you.
If I want to share a room with another partner, how do I arrange that?
On your Retreat Questionnaire & Registration form, you will be provided with an option for identifying your roommate preference. Both partners should designate the other on their respective forms. If you wish to have a roommate but have not already arranged to share a room with a specific partner, you can indicate that on your form and the Retreat Committee will do it’s best to help connect you with another partner (of the same gender) who is also seeking a roommate. However, if a suitable roommate cannot be identified, you will be assigned to a single/King room by default.
How do I update my information if I've already submitted my Retreat Registration form?
If you need to update any information on your Retreat Registration & Questionnaire form after it is submitted, please reply to the original confirmation email you received (RetreatRegistration@cm.law) and provide your corrected or updated information.
What is the attire during the retreat? Do I need a nice outfit for photos?
Generally, comfortable attire is the name of the game during the retreat. However, be sure to pack at least one business casual outfit for when we designate a time to take some group photos and headshots for use on the website or other marketing materials. Don’t forget to bring a swimsuit or workout gear just in case you want to enjoy the hotel pool or fitness facilities. Late October in Atlanta has average temps ranging from mid-50s to low-70s. A lightweight jacket or windbreaker is recommended for the evenings.
What group activities can choose from for our playtime?
We plan to have several fun group activities to choose from during one of the mornings or afternoons. The Retreat Committee aims to identify options that will appeal to everyone’s interests and will announce the options at a later date. Most importantly, we want everyone to stay engaged and participate in one of the activities rather than being a recluse and going back to your hotel room. Take advantage of this time to get to know your partners better!
Will there be time for me to do client work during the retreat?
Our agenda includes regular breaks to allow partners to check/respond to urgent emails or calls, with the expectation that partners will return to the meetings promptly when we are scheduled to reconvene. Partners can also use meal times to address urgent client work if needed. Please bear in mind that the annual partner retreat is a very important tradition at CM and our hope is that everyone remains present and engaged – both physically and mentally – for the entire duration. Your partners have invested substantial time over many months in putting together the retreat and it is respectful to show appreciation by fully participating in the retreat program.
We understand that work emergencies can happen and obviously, we have a duty to our clients, but we encourage partners to work beforehand to set expectations with clients, courts, and opposing counsel about any meetings or deadlines that may otherwise fall during the retreat. For example, two weeks prior to the retreat, partners are encouraged to add a colored tagline below their normal email signature block that says: Please note that I will be attending our firm’s annual partner retreat and will be generally unavailable October 27-30.
What are the meal options? What if I have special dietary needs?
We will have continuous break stations during our meeting hours with coffee, tea, and snacks. Our meals will be served in the hotel’s main Conference Dining Room. There will be multiple buffet-style food options to choose from for each meal. Partners with special or strict dietary concerns should provide that information when they complete the Retreat Questionnaire & Registration form and we will connect you with the appropriate person at the hotel who can assist with those requests.
Will there be a central gathering spot for our group in the evenings?
Yes! We will announce a designated gathering spot each evening and it may be either on onsite (such as the lobby bar area) or at a nearby nightlife spot. The evening socials are always a great way to develop better relationships with your partners!
Can I bring my spouse/family/guest to the retreat?
During the official retreat programming window (i.e., from our opening to closing sessions), we request that only CM partners stay at the venue. Our retreats are intentionally designed as partners-only because a primary purpose is for CM partners to get to know each other better and we’ve learned that partners often feel pulled away from our group activities if they have guests waiting for them back in the room. Some partners, however, enjoy having guests spend a few days with them prior to or after the official retreat dates and that is perfectly acceptable.
Can I arrive early or stay after the official retreat dates?
Yes–as part of our negotiated group package, the hotel is extending a special rate of $187/night (plus taxes/fees) to our group for 2 nights before and 2 nights after the retreat. In order to qualify for our group’s discounted rates for the extra nights, the venue has asked that we provide pre- and post- reservations as part of our master rooming list. Thus you will need to indicate your actual arrival and departure dates when you complete the Retreat Questionnaire & Registration form. If you sign up for extra nights, you will be responsible for the additional costs. Many of our Atlanta partners have offered to host those who are arriving early so you may also want to check that option.
Who should I contact if I encounter travel delays?
If you experience travel delays getting to the retreat, please send an email to RetreatRegistration@cm.law and we will keep the hotel informed of your delayed arrival.
What if client work or another unforeseen circumstance prevents me from attending?
CM has very few mandatory attendance requirements, but the annual partner retreat is one of them. For this reason, the retreat dates are typically announced at least six months in advance to make sure all partners have blocked the dates on their calendars. You should proactively notify clients, courts and opposing counsel that you will be unavailable during the retreat. In other words, unless you are bleeding…you need to be there! In all seriousness, missing the retreat is heavily frowned upon and doing so means you are missing out on our single most important internal networking event of the year. Remember: The rest of your partners have worked to put aside their client work and personal commitments to attend the retreat and meet YOU, so please show them the same courtesy.
Still have more questions?
If you still have questions that have not been answered on this page, please send an email as follows –
- Logistical questions about registration, rooming, dietary needs, or transportation: RetreatRegistration@cm.law
- General questions, ideas, or suggestions about activities for the retreat: RetreatComm@cm.law
- Questions or suggestions about the substantive programs during the retreat: JMeadows@cm.law