At Culhane Meadows, we relate to our partners as people, not just professionals. Being a lawyer can be hard at times. And despite our public image, lawyers are human and therefore susceptible — recent data suggests more susceptible — to alcoholism and other addictions, as well as depression and suicide. The mission of the Wellness Committee is to alert our partners to the resources available to help them face and overcome these challenges.
The resource guide on this page includes a summary of the lawyer assistance programs in many states as well as nationwide information for seeking help and support. While these pages are no substitute for professional assistance, we hope they will encourage you to seek help when needed because you’re never alone.
Our Wellness Committee members are listed below – please always feel free to contact any of us for friendship and support.
Kelly Culhane
Beth Fulkerson
David Jacoby
David Klimaszewski
Kevin Sheldon
Brent Somers
Dan Struck
Grant Walsh
For a summary of the lawyer assistance programs in your state or for information about nationwide resources, please download this PDF to save the guide locally or print it out for easy reference.