
New Partner Onboarding

On behalf of the Executive Committee and all of the partners, we are excited to welcome you to Culhane Meadows and our “better way” of practicing law! Here, you will find an excellent and efficient platform for your law practice that meets the needs of your clients – as well as your life.  We hope you come to agree with us that this is indeed “a better way” to practice law. Our onboarding process encompasses lots of information in a very short period of time and our Admin Team can provide you with a helpful New Partner Roadmap/Checklist to stay organized during the process.

1. New Partner Paperwork Instructions

To assist you with the onboarding process, we have prepared a New Partner Intake Paperwork page that organizes and details in one place, all of the documents that the firm will need to collect from you as a new Partner of the firm.  Please pay attention as you read it, and follow the instructions carefully.

2. New Partner Orientation Guide

We have also prepared our New Partner Orientation Guide (available from our Admin Team) to help you familiarize yourself with our procedures and to obtain answers to key questions such as how to run a conflicts check, open a new client, etc. Much of this information is also included in the various sections of the Partner Handbook, but most of our new partners have found this concise guide to be helpful during their initial weeks of practice at Culhane Meadows.

3. Frequently Asked Questions

The answers to many FAQs are answered within the Partner Handbook. You should also rely on the Partner who recruited you to Culhane Meadows or contact your Office Managing Partner if you have any questions or concerns that remain unanswered after you review the Partner Handbook.  You may also find the FAQs on our firm’s technology platforms useful as well.

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